The Paintings of Joe Cauchi
The 1930's - part II

These works were painted in the 1930's during Joe's trips to rural Pennsylvania and coastal communities in New Jersey and Delaware.   Mostly he traveled by bus, with easel and paints on his back.

jc_303.jpg (22831 bytes)
View from the Window

Joe Cauchi #323.jpg (15246 bytes)
Day's End


Joe Cauchi [c] 2001
boats at dusk

jc_326.jpg (11984 bytes)
Fishermen's Shacks


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Field work  [oil #327]

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Roofs in Winter  [oil #330]

Joe Cauchi watercolor [c] 2001
Rails and Poles [watercolor - #p320]

Joe Cauchi [c] 2001
No Entrance   [pastels - #p318]

Note: Originals may extend beyond the scanned photographs shown.  Also color reproduction does not exactly match original painitings.

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© 2003-2020 by R. Cauchi, Colorado Ideas 2.0

for more information, contact Ri chard Cauchi - Denver, Colorado



rev. 5/28/2020