Blumner Families and
Names in the U.S.A. & World |
The surname "Blumner" is not common in the United States. There are a total of only 59 households in 13 states, with concentrations only in New York (21) and California (10), based on latest online telephone directories.
The table below lists the numbers per state, and includes live links to the households listed in 2008 telephone directories as provided online by
U.S. State | # of Blumner Households, linked list |
Alaska | 2 |
California | 10 [10/08 update] |
Connecticut | 3 |
Delaware | 1 |
Florida | 5 |
Maryland | 2 |
Massachusetts | 3 |
Michigan | 3 |
Missouri | 3 |
New Jersey | 2 |
New Mexico | 1 |
New York | 21 [10/08 update] |
Pennsylvania | 2 |
U.S. TOTAL | 59 (10/2008, |
1920 historical comparison - USA map of Blumner families, 1920, total = 12.
Other Countries:
The following are samplings of telephone directory listings for selected countries. Some nations, areas and telephone companies do not have electronic or web directories, so it is not yet possible to include them here. Click on the linked numbers to view households, and to see the source of the data.
Country | "Blumner" household listings | |
Australia | ?? | |
Austria | ?? | |
Canada | 1 B.C. | |
Germany | 1 Magdeburg | |
Poland | ?? | |
Sweden | 0 | 4 as Blomnér |
United Kingdom | 1 Elgin |
Sample searches indicate there are no listings found so far for: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain or United Kingdom.
This information is provided as a non-commercial family research project, and generally no further information is available from the researchers about the people counted. Out of respect for privacy, no individuals are listed or posted here, and the authors can take no responsibility for the accuracy of commercial public telephone listings.
Posted 8/23/2005; updated 10/15/2008 (c) Colorado Access 2000.